Green Lawnger® TR - For seasonal growth transitions and winter overseeding simulation

Green Lawnger® TR is a high concentrate dark green pigment for pre-dormant and dormant turf that is recommended for use on golf courses, commercial and residential lawns to improve turf quality in winter and early spring. It can also be used as an affordable alternative to the winter overseeding of warm season grasses.

The mix of black and green pigments in Green Lawnger® TR allows increased absorption of solar radiation to the applied surface, increasing surface temperatures. This effect can help turf grass managers extend the playing season in transitional periods in the autumn and winter, and it can also speed up ice and snow thawing and accelerate spring growth later in the season, allowing early play and improved turf quality in the spring.

When used as part of a winter conditioning programme, Green Lawnger® TR is an effective tool to limit the development of winter injury symptoms, that can result from direct low temperatures such as ice cover (suffocation), crown hydration, desiccation and/or low temperature diseases (snow moulds), while promoting rapid and uniform green-up.

Green Lawnger® TR creates a uniform dark green sward during the winter months, which lasts for up to four weeks, thanks to its ColorLock™ resin technology that ensures strong leaf adhesion and provides resistance to undesirable colour shifts.

Its easy-to-spray formulation makes it easy to integrate into existing maintenance regimes, and can be used alone or in combination with plant protection products with no negative effect on seed germination. Pre-dormant applications may start as low as 1.25 L in 300 L water per 10,000 m2 to blend colour with existing turf growth. Apply after the last mowing and before dormancy to increase surface temperature.

As frost events occur, increasing the dose rate creates a more natural look to turf transition, and the dilution ratio can be adjusted to achieve the desired colour.

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Green Lawnger® TR

Green Lawnger® TR is a pigment-based turf colourant that is used to improve turf quality in late Autumn and early Spring (transition phases).

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